Dr. Craig Pannone graduated from Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in life sciences and a minor in business management. Knowing from early on that he wanted to pursue a career in naturopathic medicine, he was then accepted into the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, ON, the largest accredited naturopathic institution in North America. He graduated from CCNM with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine in 2012. While in school, Dr. Pannone interned at various community health clinics in Toronto, and he has also served as a volunteer with Naturopathic Medicine for Global Health treating patients in Guatemala. He has been in clinical practice since 2013.
Dr. Craig Pannone
B.Sc. (Life Sciences) from Juniata College '08
ND (Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine) from CCNM '12
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a system of health care that combines modern medical science with natural and holistic therapies. Naturopathic doctors view the person as a whole while understanding the underlying factors and causes to disease to correct the concerns and restore health. During this process, naturopaths are guided by the principles of naturopathic medicine which are listed below:
1- Healing Power of Nature: recognizes that every person has an inherent self-healing process when the obstacles to healing are removed
2- Identify and Treat the Causes: recognizes the approach of not just suppressing symptoms but looking for the underlying causes of disease to restore health
3- First Do No Harm: recognizes the importance of using substances that minimize the risk of harmful side effects while working within the patient's own self-healing process
4 – Doctor as Teacher: recognizes the importance of naturopathic physicians to educate patients and encourage self-responsibility for their health
5 – Treat the Whole Person: recognizes the importance of taking into account the physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors when treating each patient
6 – Prevention: recognizes the importance of emphasizing disease prevention through appropriate interventions and by assessing risk factors and looking at various susceptibilities
To find out more information about naturopathic medicine, you can click the link below.