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Treatments and Services


Acupuncture is a technique in Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy to promote the body's natural ability to heal itself by inserting thin sterile needles in specific points in the body. TCM is rooted in the belief that “Chi”, a vital energy, is allowed to flow freely through the 14 meridians or pathways in the body. Disruption in this flow can cause health problems and manifest particular symptoms, and acupuncture is used to unblock the obstructions.


Acupuncture can be beneficial in physical medicine to treat pain and help people recover from injuries quicker by bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the needed area. Points will be used where the pain is located along with points in other areas of the body such as the feet or hands. 


Many other health problems can be treated such as diabetes and it can also be used preventatively since subtle disharmonies or imbalances are addressed. Based on ancient TCM philosophy, its effectiveness is now supported by modern research. 


Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition response testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill-health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimal health. 
Through an analysis of your body's organs/ areas, we help you determine the exact nutrients you need to supplement your diet in order to bring about balance and better health. 

Detoxification plans can be used as an effective way to eliminate toxins from the body to restore normal physiology and functioning of the body. There is an ever-growing amount of heavy metals and chemicals in our environment that can burden our bodies after a while and can lead to various symptoms. Personalized detoxification plans or programs can be utilized to help restore the body's natural ability to eliminate these toxins to help improve symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, memory and concentration, mood and other issues. 



Dietary Counseling and Nutritional Supplementation

There is a growing body of scientific knowledge from clinical research validating the use of diet and nutrition for the treatment of disease. Nutritional supplementation can be used therapeutically by correcting underlying deficiencies, decreasing side effects of medications or by treating conditions with high doses of indicated supplements. Dietary counseling is done with almost every patient to address what someone should or should not be eating, and what food plan would be best suited for the individual.


Standard Blood Work and Functional Medicine Lab Testing
Routine blood testing can be done through Quest Diagnostics. The levels can also be examined functionally or from a preventative point of view to see if there are any liver, kidney or heart risks or whether you are have any early signs of hormone problems, cholesterol or blood sugar issues. Food sensitivity testing can be done to see whether you have low grade immune responses to certain foods which may lead to inflammation. 
Lifestyle Counseling

Lifestyle counseling is always benefical in cases where a person's daily habits are contributing to their health conditions and is a way to help remove the obstacles to better health. Sleep, stress management, diet and exercise are addressed to help create a better foundation for future treatments. 


Herbal Medicine
Medical herbalism or botanical medicine is the use of plants for medicinal purposes. Many cultures for thousands of years have used herbs or botanicals as a source of healing remedies.  Many pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plant sources such as aspirin from white willow bark or digoxin from foxglove. Botanicals can have a much broader range of therapeutic actions because of their many herbal constituents and generally have fewer side effects than prescription medications. 



Physical Exams

Physical examinations can be an important part of gathering objective information for the clinician. A more comprehensive exam is usually done on the first visit and more focused or targeted exams are done during follow ups. Exams can also be done as part of a wellness exam for school or work.


With acupuncture sessions, a look at the tongue to view certain characteristics and feeling the pulse on both wrists gives relevant information about what is out of balance in the body. Tongue and pulse are routinely done before each acupuncture treatment. 


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